
2007-10-05 3:13 am
聽 人讀
個音 似 sin ne rial
仲有一個 rae sion nail

回答 (3)

2007-10-05 3:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Scenario = 情節
Rationale= 理論基礎
參考: myself
2007-10-06 12:19 am
Scenario 劇情,情況,情形
如果吾系講緊劇情,通常講虛構 d 情況 / 情形咁。比如 the worst scenario 即「最差既清況」。
e.g. The worst scenario of continued global warming would be more and bigger scale of tsunami.

rational 理智
即系同感性 emotional 相對。
e.g. There's no need to make a hasty decision over this. Let's be rational.
參考: hk.myblog.yahoo.com/ms.lam18
2007-10-05 3:18 am
scenario?-meaning situation
rational?-meaning sane, with reason?
參考: my own knowledge

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