Ryan Dan??

2007-10-05 3:05 am
Ryan Dan係咩人??
佢地隻新disc d 歌得唔得??

回答 (4)

2007-10-11 5:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
Ryan Dan??
Ryan Dan係咩人?? 一對twin既靚仔組合27歲加拿大出生
佢係1個組合定係1個人?? 一個組合...include ryan(細) 同dan(大)
佢地隻新disc d 歌得唔得?? very good : ]首首都好有feeling~~有幾首更加係首推: ]
邊首最好聽?? like the sun.tears of an angle.i'll be there.the prayer..: ]all is hte best....仲有high
有既俾我聽下吧=] http://www.bebo.com/FlashBox.jsp?FlashBoxId=4808502460
your wind bexxx my wings : D都正的..入面仲有幾首痴埋的~
想再傾佢地既話^_^可以add我msn [email protected]
2007-10-16 5:08 am
the song is ver very very ery very very very very gooooooooooooooooooooooooooood try to go to the www.uwants .com and search for ryan dan and you can download the full album
2007-10-10 6:59 am
They are a twins group . Didn't know where they from, but their voice is great. You should definately try to listen their first single "Like the sun". Bet you can here it a lot from TV. And if you wanna hear something bazzar, you can try track no.4 "The Prayer". Coz if no one ever tells you that it's sing by 2 male vocalists, you will definately think that it's from a duet with soprano and tenor. It reminds me the version of Celine Dion with Andrea Bocelli, haha.

2007-10-12 10:11:03 補充:
They are Canadian.
2007-10-05 4:20 am
Ryan Dan係咩人??---一隊Twins 組合.
佢係1個組合定係1個人??---組合, 佢o地係兩兄弟.
佢地隻新disc d 歌得唔得??----Sorry, 暫時未聽過.
邊首最好聽??---淨係聽過Like The Sun, 都幾好聽.
有既俾我聽下吧=] ---你去下面個網試聽下.
參考: ***

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