想坐 cruise 去 Orlando Walt Disney ??

2007-10-05 2:11 am
Nov 08, 我會去 orlando Disney 玩, 朋友話可以book disney cruise 由 Orlando disney 出發, 請問有什麼方法book or 可以上網book ??? 問左香港 d 旅行社佢地都唔知.....

回答 (2)

2007-10-05 6:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
我已經book了 12月去 disney cruise (4 days land/ 4 days cruise).
機票是用yahoo travel book. 由LA 飛去Orlando, FL 每位 $250 usd
disney cruise 是去 www.vacationstogo.com 每位$850 usd
詳情可email傾下. [email protected]
參考: 自己
2007-10-06 3:05 pm
Simple, google Disney Cruises ,that will take you to their site, then you study the itinery and book with your credit card

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