食得多減肥丸會令到腎衰竭 同 不能懷孕??

2007-10-05 2:00 am
聽電視講食得多 [[減肥丸]] 會令到 _腎衰竭_ + 嚴重 既會終止懷孕....

呢個係唔係真?? 同埋係食到咩程度先會係甘?? 食幾耐先會係甘??


回答 (2)

2007-10-05 2:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sorry, I don't know how to type chinese.
There is different kind of drugs to help to lose weight in the market. Taking pills to keep fit is not a good method. Although you may lose weight, the pills make you lose water only, not fat. If you lost too much water, may cause electrolyte imbalane and severe dehydration. Severe dehydration is one of the cause of acute renal failure.
Some other drugs's effect is to increase metabolic rate in order to burn the fat. But also not recommanded. It will affect your heart causing arrhythmia. Therefore, if you don't know the content of drugs. I advise you not to buy from the market yourself. The most effective way to keep fit is control you diet and regular exercise.
2007-10-05 9:09 am
我本身都唔係肥. 158cm..110磅..其實係屬於適中~
但係..我個肚腩特別大, 4枝特別瘦..好似ET gum..
我一個月都減左5磅 = 2吋肚腩ar + 大脾各1吋
效果好好ar!! 個shape 走返出黎ar!
我朋友就介紹我搵lee 個顧問


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