summary of Pretty woman風月俏佳人?Pls give me...thxz

2007-10-05 1:31 am
Pls give me a summary of Pretty woman風月俏佳人?

回答 (2)

2007-10-05 2:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Plot summary for
Pretty Woman (1990)

Edward is a rich, ruthless businessman who specializes in taking over companies and then selling them off piece by piece. He travels to Los Angeles for a business trip and decides to hire a prostitute. They take a liking to each other and he offers her money if she'll stay with him for an entire week while he makes the "rich and famous" scene (since it doesn't do for a man of his stature to be alone at society parties and polo matches). Romantic comedy (and complications) ensue. Written by Afterburner {[email protected]}
Vivian Ward has found a way of living by working as a prostitute on Hollywood Boulevard. When she runs into the prince of her dreams, who comes along on his wild horse, she first does not recognize him as her saviour. The prince, a ruthless and wealthy businessman by the name of Edward Lewis, does not know that she could be more than just a girl from the sidewalk, but he changes his decision after the first night with the beautiful stranger. Her being the first person in a long time who could surprise him, Edward can slowly feel the light at the end of the tunnel. He is on his way to become a better person, whereas Vivian has got a new chance to start over again. Written by Julian Reischl {[email protected]}
2007-10-05 1:46 am
summary of Pretty woman風月俏佳人?Pls give me

It indicates do not worry or suspect your job, once you entered the field, you have to respect it.
Indeed, men are cheap animals (mostly), Richard thought that money can buy anything, including dignity & pride, however, Juliet was not buyable.
It's just a movie with happy ending, but, if in real, 99% ended in sadness.
參考: SELF

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