Future Tense 10點

2007-10-05 1:16 am
Future Tense 的重點

回答 (2)

2007-10-06 8:01 am
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Future Tense 的重點 在於用來說明尚未發生的事情.
所述說的事件可以是決定要做的事 , 可能會發生的事 , 一定會發生的事
例如 : i will be there at 12pm.
i will go to Hong Kong tomorrow.
We will cancel the vacation to Macau if it rains tomorrow.

通常, Future Tense 都會用到 will

以下係幾經典下的例子 :
1. If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
2. You will pass the exam if u study hard.
3. I will be a doctor if i can.

如果仍然吾明, 看多點有關句子, 自然就會識既啦 ^^
參考: myself
2007-10-05 2:00 am
Future tense,unlike any other tense, only descibes the action or activity that happen in the future. Like something which would happen or it could be some sort of prediction, which may not likely to be happened but it remains some possiblity of happening. E.g. I will achieve very good result in my exam. From this example, it 's something which would likely to happen but not certainly happening.because it may be a failure result. However, future tense could also describe something which would happen certainly. E.g. I will attend Biology lesson tommorrow. Form this example, this is something which would be happened for sure.It's definitely happening in the future.
參考: Longman Grammer Dictionary

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:19:40
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