eng beating the odds

2007-10-04 10:24 pm
beating the odds 中文點解?

回答 (2)

2007-10-05 6:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
odds 可解機會/賠率/優勢,beating the odds 呢個 odds,係指你贏o既微少機會,又或者對手o既優勢。如果你能夠咁都出人意表做得到o個樣o野,咁就係:
You beat the odds and achieved it.
You achieved it against the odds.
2007-10-04 10:38 pm
戰勝機會; example:
This is a tough exam. Without proper preparation, the chance for him of beating the odds is smaller than 20%.

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