
2007-10-04 6:45 pm
那裡是一個很好的地方, 雖然已過了看花的季節, 但仍有它吸引的地方, 我很享受今次之旅行

回答 (4)

2007-10-04 7:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There is a very nice place. Although the flower season has gone, but it's still an attractive place. I am really enjoy of theis trip.

2007-10-04 11:03:56 補充:
There is a very nice place. Although the flower season has gone, but it's still an attractive place. I am really enjoy of this trip.
2007-10-04 10:33 pm
That is a very good place. In spite of the pass of the blossom, it is still attractive in someway. I enjoy this trip very much.
參考: myself
2007-10-04 7:14 pm
那裡是一個很好的地方, 雖然已過了看花的季節, 但仍有它吸引的地方, 我很享受今次之旅行
That is a pretty nice place, although it had passed the best season of flower blossom, yet is still very attractive someway. I really enjoyed the trip this time.
上面有兩位用 although / but 是錯的 (小學己學過)

參考: SELF
2007-10-04 6:49 pm
Where is a good place to go, although to watch the flower season is gone, but there will have some fascinate to me, I really enjoy this trip.

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