請問可否將 vvindovv vista 轉做 xp?

2007-10-04 5:53 pm
因為我現在用的 vista 不支援很多軟件!



回答 (1)

2007-10-04 8:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Unless you buy a FULL package Windows XP from market, otherwise, if your computer come with Vista HOME... you may NOT able to downgrade to Window XP... but Vista ulimate version can do the downgrade.

If you want to do that, make sure you got all the hardware driver for XP, and backup the data you want... if your computer have brand name, such as HP, Dell, IBM, etc.. try to contact the support and ask for that... it was because... you may not able to get their warrantly support if you change the OS from Vista to XP.

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