
2007-10-04 9:39 am
請問各位高人知否當燒錄歌曲時, 我想隻歌尾部的音量逐步收細至完全沒聲, 不知是否可能呢?希望各位可指教一吓, 不勝感激!

回答 (1)

2007-10-04 8:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You must need to do the sound editing before you BURN... being 燒錄歌曲 only mean copy the music file from your harddisk to CD or DVD... it cannot do anything... But you must understand that, if you want to use some simple software to edit the sound... the file may need UNCOMPRESS, if the file is WMA, MP3 files, being the file type has already compress, you may not able to do what you want...

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