are the police in the UK becoming less effective due to political correctness?

2007-10-03 10:52 pm

回答 (11)

2007-10-04 8:41 am
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Yes, that and having to try and meet Government figures which don't really reflect a true picture. The reason there are more PCSO's is so a Government target for more officers on the street is met, although they can't do anything. The reason violent crime is falling is because violent offences where possible are classified as something else. And lots of time is spent achieving this, instead of doing what the public would want them to do
2007-10-03 11:12 pm
The total crime figures have fallen, so doesn't that show they are in fact MORE effective and that the public are falling for the lies of the right wing press?

This "political correctness" thing really is utter garbage. Paper work is there to make sure details of crimes are logged correctly. The rights of the suspect to be presumed innocent etc and not to have a confession beaten out of them are a bad thing in your mind are they?
2007-10-03 10:55 pm
no, they just seem less effective because there are more shite bags on the streets. if ur brought up right pc has nothing to do with having a fear for the law
2007-10-03 10:56 pm
If you have a burglary, phone the police and tell them you are a Poofter or a foreigner and someone has been calling you names and they will be around post haste.

The Police have been told to deal with these sort of people before honest, decent, clean living Britons who have only paid taxes all their lives in order to keep the Police Forces going.
2016-12-29 2:23 am
Oh come off it. Political correctness did no longer stifle British comedy, loss of excellent jokes and likeable comedians stifled British comedy. I advise, between the "jokes" supposedly made via that dart commentator became "what's black and eats bananas? a million/2 of London". Jesus Christ guy - once you are going to lose your interest over a racist shaggy dog tale then a minimum of make it a somewhat humorous one. I doubt that would desire to have raised a titter even 40 years in the past interior the Embassy club. ideas you, if there is one interest in any respect that is nevertheless caught firmly in 1973, that is darts. Manning, Reed, overweight, Davidson - all disgusting, grotesque, completely talentless and irredeemable characters thrown up from the bowels of a similar era that gave us Jimmy Savile and the Yorkshire Ripper. They have been given their probability at repute via being brutal and grotesque in a international that respected grotesque brutes. they are approximately as correct to renowned British subculture as tin baths and coal scuttles. pc is nonsense. once you're humorous and gifted you will get away with telling any shaggy dog tale you prefer. Ask Jimmy Carr, Billy Connolly, Frankie Boyle, etc.
2016-02-24 11:20 pm
even though every met police officer are armed, i dont think they are allowed to use their guns, thanks to human rights
2007-10-04 6:39 am
Don't think so.
Just like everyone else world-wide.
With blunders and slip-ups with human errors created back in the past being expose with time in the new millenium after the mystery of us-911.
Need time to correct the mess out there.
參考: decoded from the missing x-files.
2007-10-03 11:09 pm
Yes....and the paperwork doesn`t help.
2007-10-03 10:56 pm
It's compensation culture that makes them less effective. They have to produce a mountain of paper for everything they do just so no-one can sue them.
2007-10-03 10:56 pm
And tons of paperwork.

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