Cat 5 cable for USB connection?

2007-10-03 8:18 am
I am looking to use a Cat 5 cable situated behing my TV as a USB connection for a PC. Is it possible to wire the cable for this purpose what do i need to do it it would be approx 15mtrs long?

回答 (8)

2007-10-03 8:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
you need to use that cable and hook it up to a cable modem.

then hook up a usb to the modem then into your computer.

this will usually only work if you're going through your cable company and subscribing to the internet through cable tv.

hope that helps
2007-10-03 8:23 am
Yes but u would require a USB Plug to do it. Connect the USB plug to thr CAT5 cable and then you maybe able to use it. Can you please tell me what exactely you wish to do ?
2016-05-20 9:19 am
Asked and answered. One posting is sufficient .
2007-10-03 12:00 pm
This is one of the most confusing questions I've ever read. It sounds like you want to watch videos, that are playing on your PC, on your TV in another room.

1. The cable behind your TV isn't a CAT-5 Ethernet cable.

2. Wireless keyboards have a maximum range of under 9 metres, so they probably won't be able to control your PC in another room.

3. To get the video (and audio) signal from your PC to your TV, you need to connect the graphics card's "TV Out" port (if it has one) to your TV. You'd need an S-video cable and matching connectors at both ends, but you probably can't go 15 metres.

So, the simple answer is: No, you can't make a USB adapter to patch into your TV.

For more info, Google for: Connect PC to TV
2007-10-03 10:46 am
This needs to be used as a network cable, not usb. I doubt usb will work well at this length of cable.
2007-10-03 8:54 am
I don,t think that long cable work as USB becase after a destence signal ll drop so it won,t work properly.
2007-10-03 8:50 am

(ANS) I'm not clear from your question exactly what your trying to achieve here but I do know you can buy an adapter that converts USB 2.0 to Ethernet cabling and vica versa.

**I'm assuming you want to use your flat panel TV screen as a computer monitor? I strongly doubt you will be able to use the TV this way via an ethernet or USB connection. The TV out put (VGA) requires the correct type of video output cabling in order to connect to the computer and your graphics card (or graphics chip). However I think your going to find that Ethernet nor USB cannot be used for connecting up to a graphics adapter.


(computer veteran of many years).
2007-10-03 8:42 am
You could take a USB Male-to-Female cable cut the ends off and wire it to your CAT 5 cable.

Reading that it clearly doesn't make much sense and would be quite difficult.

Your best bet is just to buy a new USB cable. They are available at Walmart, Home Depot, Lowe's, Radio Shack, etc.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 13:44:32
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