
2007-10-04 5:43 am
1.What is the story about ?What did you think of the story?Did it meet your expectations?

2.What did you like in the book ?What were some of the things that you thought the author did really well?e.g. I like the way that Holmes solved each crime. He hust noticed little things and from that understood what happened and why.

回答 (3)

2007-10-04 6:30 am

2.你喜歡本書嗎?(包括內容, 圖畫, 或書的釘裝)你認為作者有咩創作內容特別好?例如:我喜歡情節係福爾摩斯解決每一件罪案...當佢發現到一些細微嘅事...就會知道事情嘅經過和原因...
2007-10-04 6:01 am
What is the story about ? 這個故事的內容

What did you think of the story ? 你對這個故事的想法

Did it meet your expectations ? 這個故事乎合你的要求 ( 或想法 ) 嗎 ?

What did you like in the book ? 你喜歡這本書的什麼

What were some of the things that you thought the author did really well ?
你覺得作者有那些什麼是做對 ( 做得好 ) 的 ?

e.g. I like the way that Holmes solved each crime.
例如 . 我喜歡 Holmes 處理罪案的方法.

He hust noticed little things and from that understood what happened and why.
他非常著眼於小處並從中明白事情的發生原因和過程 .
2007-10-04 5:54 am
1. 個故事講咩? 你覺得個故事點(感想)? 同你預期既係咪符合?

2. 你最喜歡這本書既咩野? 有D咩野你覺得個作者係作/做得好既

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