F.3 Maths~!!

2007-10-04 5:02 am
Sharon deposits $9800 in a bank at interest rate of 6%p.a.compounded half-yearly.
a.find the number of periods in 2 years.
b.What is the interest earned by Sharon after 2 years?

回答 (2)

2007-10-04 5:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
A: Since it compounded half-yearly, the number of periods=2*2=4

B: interest earned=9800*((1+6%/2)^4-1)
nearly equal to $1230
參考: me
2007-10-04 5:15 am
a. there were 4 times interest paid by bank.

b. [$9800*(1+6%)^4]-$9800
= ($9800*1.06^4)-$9800
= ($9800*1.26)-$9800
= $12348-$9800
= $2548

2007-10-03 21:16:50 補充:
sorry question b 我錯了, the above is right
參考: ME

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