3/10(三) (7) 甚麼是FLK?

2007-10-04 2:22 am
3/10(三) (7) 甚麼是FLK?

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2007-10-04 2:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
FLK是叫馮梁結(FUNG LEUNG KIT)的英文名簡稱和中學名稱


辦學宗旨: 提供全人教育。藉基督教信仰建立價值觀及服務精神。建立自尊心,獨立思考及批判能力和創造潛能。訓練語文能力,學習新科技,為升學就業奠定基礎。

地址: 新界大埔寶湖道22號
本區: 大埔區
他區: 北區
電話: 2651 6033
傳真: 2650 9629
網址: http://flk.school.net.hk
電郵: [email protected]
校監/校管會主席: 余煊博士
校長: 陳鼎立先生 (理學士、教育碩士)
學校類別: 津貼
學生性別: 男女
學校類別備註: -
辦學團體: 中華基督教會香港區會
宗教: 基督教
是否已成立法團校董會? 否
創校年份: 1987
學校佔地面積: 6,000平方米
學生人數: 851
教師人數: 55
校訓: 明道律己 好學立人
家長教師會: 有
學生會: -
舊生會/校友會: 有
自行分配中一學位準則與比重: 1. 面試表現(包括;儀容及禮貌、表達能力、對本校的認識、興趣及日常生活習慣等)40%;
2. 小學五年級及六年級學業成績30%;
3. 小學五年級及六年級的操行、功過記錄及評語20%;
4. 其他表現(包括:課外活動、校內或校外服務及各類獎項)10%。
2007-10-04 2:27 am





This group from the North Eastern Italian region of Friuli originally started life as Mitili Folk; as the name suggests, from the very beginning their music was tied to the musical traditions of their region. The name was later changed to Mitili FLK (FLK
standing for Furlan Liberation Kongress); this alteration was partly due to a misprint and partly desired in order to emulate their neighbouring Slovenian brothers N.S.K.(neue Slovenische Kunst). Finally, as the band's commitment to Friuli and their interest in minority groups grew, came the decision to change the name once again to simply FLK.

The group sing in the local dialect for, in the words of the band, "for a thousand years the people of our region have been speaking this language and there is therefore no need to justify this choice. We don't sing in dialect because we don't want to be understood, we do it because we are different. Because everyone is different from everyone else. We could sing in another
language but we wouldn't be the same people, we would be singing other people's words".

Their music is a magical hybrid of folk, rock, rap and funk fused with traditional sounds, music which has a further special effect when heard live; the band sing passionately of problems of minority groups, of the problems of nearby ex-Yugoslavia and are greatly influenced by the century-long presence of different ethnic groups in Friuli. Rather than Italian, FLK can be
considered a 'Middle European' band.

FLK are:
Cristina Mauro: v盭
Stefano Montello: ghitare e corus
Flavio Zanier: bas e corus
Alessandro Montello: fisa, tastiere, v盭, corus, piano Steinway & Sons
U.T. Ghandi: batarie, percussions e corus
Loris Luise: percussions e corus

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