3/10(三) (10) 三個不同麵包的英文名稱

2007-10-04 1:53 am
3/10(三) (2) 三個不同麵包的英文名稱

(1) 麥包
(2) 特級方包
(3) 小平方包


回答 (3)

2007-10-04 3:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
法國麵包 Baguettes

白麵包 White Bread

牛角飽 Croissants

奶油方包 Milk Bread

牛油麵包 Butter Bread

罌粟辮子麵包 Poppy Seed Bread

芝心厚批 Pizza (Thick)

法式牛油麵包 Brioche

五穀粥包 Five Grains Cereal Bread

吞拿魚麵包 Tuna Bread

Soft Pretzel

燒餐包 BBQ Pork Bread

中東包 Pita Bread

迷你芝士脆皮腸仔包 Mini Cheese sausage roll

星星麵包 Star Bread

車輪包 Wheel-shaped White Bread

菠蘿飽 Bo Lo Bau

德國聖誕麵飽 Stollen

紅豆麵包 Red Bean Bread

墨西哥包 Mexican Bread

英式早餐鬆餅 English Breakfast Muffin

五穀粥包 Five Grains Cereal Bread
參考: me
2007-10-04 4:45 am
In England we called them the following:
(1) 麥包 Brown/wholemeal Bread
(2) 特級方包 superfine white bread
(3) 小平方包 ?? mini white bread

2007-10-10 15:13:41 補充:
the person have not answer the question but still got best answer........
2007-10-04 2:09 am
1.wheat bread
2.special grade sandwich Bread
3.small sandwich Bread

不過太多方包統一叫 sandwich Bread

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