
2007-10-03 11:06 pm
The Gucci originates 1920, the founder Guccio Gucci drew in Florence of the first GUCCI store, and founded to be printed as logo the name on the merchandise, make Gucci quick of became wealth and luxurious symbol between the 50~60's. In 1994, GUCCI have the new brand image: young, modern, charm and sex appeal is one of the groups of the biggest vogue of world. Make it target market more extensive, including: Baby Boomers, generation X and generation Y.

回答 (3)

2007-10-03 11:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Gucci originated in 1920. Its founder, Guccio Gucci, established the first GUCCI store in Florence. The logo was printed on the merchandise, making the brand become a symbol of wealth and luxury between the 50~60's. In 1994, the next-generation GUCCI image emerged: a young, modern, charming and sexy appeal, making the Group the biggest vogue in the world. Baby Boomers, generation X and generation Y further energize the Gucci legend.
2007-10-04 12:04 am
originated in 1920 (specify過去某一點時間必須用simple past tense)﹐真奇怪點解你會咁都錯

make Gucci quick of became wealth
你整遍都是敍述Guccio Gucci生平往事﹐點解你突然會用present tense??? 邊個教你寫d咁嘅英文 of became wealth﹐of後面即使加phrase﹐有關動詞要轉做gerund﹐仲有wealth係noun﹐wealthy先係adjective﹐你究竟有無俾心機作文架﹐字典都懶查! 其實呢句可寫成
made him (多d變代﹐用吓pronoun代替Gucci) become wealthy quickly (make係verb without to﹐千祈唔好扮醒目寫成made him to become )

luxurious symbol﹐其實你這句邏緝上很有問題﹐你想說的是於50-60年代Gucci迅速地變得富有及成為奢侈品之標誌﹐咁你當Gucci係人定係一個品牌? 人才可富有﹐但不會是一個奢侈品之標誌﹐如果是一個品牌又怎能變成富有。 真的難以理解

In 1994, Gucci had (同一錯誤﹐應用simple past tense), charm係noun﹐charming先係adj﹐sex appeal可寫為se-appealling﹐重有點解用have唔用launch呢個verb?

.... is one of the groups of the biggest vogue of world (同一錯誤,你而家講緊1994﹐點解用 is? 呢句又點解﹐世上最大潮流之一? 這句十分不通順)

我好想知你現在係咩程度﹐你d英文簡直無譜﹐點解可以無厘頭地用 make這個字開寫一句句子 make it target market more extensive!!! 你係咪想寫This made the market more extensive (target market?唔知點解)

最後﹐我十分不喜歡你用puntunation之方法﹐完全無結構﹐寫幾句clauses後先加個full stop﹐中間又無conjuction﹐你當自己係SCMP嘅editor寫緊副刊呀!!!

2007-10-03 11:22 pm
The Gucci originates in 1920, the founder, Mr. Guccio Gucci drew in Florence of the first GUCCI store, and founded to be printed as logo the name on the merchandise, made Gucci quickly of became wealth and luxurious symbol between the 50~60's. In 1994, GUCCI had the new brand image: young, modern, charm and sex appeal was one of the groups of the biggest vogue of world. Made it target market more extensive, including: Baby Boomers, generation X and generation Y.

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