part-time degree

2007-10-03 8:32 pm
i am 23 yr old, f.7 grad(3D2E), 3 yr working exp. i want to take a part time degree(business in nature,but should not be expensive),if i take HKMA dip DMS-->RMIT degree course, is it good?
actually i want to study part time degree directly, but i know that most of the college dont allow taking degree course directly but should take their dip/ high dip first.i know that HKU space is difficult to pass, i am very confused....Pls help!!

回答 (3)

2007-10-03 8:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
PART TIME我就唔清楚...我就岩岩完左個FULL TIME o既
如果你完成左HD...有好多TOP-UP DEGREE都係一年搞得掂囉

其實如果係有工作經驗可以去到HKU SPACE / CUSCS 學校拎資料睇囉
HKUSPACE 九龍灣/金鐘/灣仔有分校
CUSCS 就尖沙咀/金鐘/中文大學有辦事處

Good Luck...加油

p.s. 個人意見...23歲其實仲後生...我就覺得如果有 1-2年可以完成o既Full Time Degree就不妨試下囉...因為part time o既師資聽講好麻麻的...拖長黎讀...返工讀書好辛苦囉
當然...最重要係財政問題囉...Best Wish啦
2007-10-03 9:01 pm
Mutual student is over 25 yrs old, so normally you are not allow to study degree directly. from dip then degree will be a good choice. If you study the dip in the same organization, they will grant you the exemption for 1st year. It will be the same but the course fee will be cheaper (dip is cheaper than degree).

I am studying HKUSPACE BMS (Bachelor of Management Studies). total 30 modules. I think it is the most difficult one in HKG. But I would say it is most valuable one. although it will take longer time to complete. It is difficult but not impossible.

Before you choose the U or college. You should decide which subject you want to study. management, account, logistics, marketing...... (all related to business). Then research which organization will provide both dip and degree program. The degree program provide by domestic U or cooperate with overseas U. How to study the final year in HKG or overseas?

My friend has a bad experience that she study overseas bachelor in HKG. Lecturers are from both HK and overseas. But her assign, test and exam were sent to overseas. So she did not get the sufficient comment for improvement. Total 16 modules, seems better than my one but also a long and difficult road to run.
2007-10-03 8:52 pm
其實你可以直接讀HKMA的RMIT degree course, 應該冇問題.

但如果要入HKUSPACE的PART TIME degree, 咁你就最好take佢哋的Cert 或 diploma課程先, 會易入degree, 仲可以except 某幾科添.

如果考試嚟講, 就HKMA易好多, 仲可以加快讀完添, 因為佢哋可以俾學生係一年內完成degree課程, 但就要每個星期六、日全日加一個閒日的晚上都要返學. 而HKUSPACE就最快兩年完成degree.

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