小學英文: how far vs how long, tidily vs neatly

2007-10-03 5:04 pm
how long could the horse run in a minute?
how far could the horse run in a minute?
1.which one is correct?
2.what is the different between them.

3.what is the different between tidily and neatly?

回答 (4)

2007-10-03 5:13 pm
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1.which one is correct?
how far could the horse run in a minute?

2.what is the different between them.
how long: 通常係問時間的長短,多久
how far: 通常係問距離的長短

3.what is the different between tidily and neatly?
呢兩個字基本上係冇分別, 兩者都係解作整潔.井井有條,整齊等等.
tidy,neat. 如果你硬係要細分, 咁tidy通常都會係形容大層面d,
例如執屋. neat就係細微d, 例如形容人好仔細.
2007-10-03 5:52 pm
1. Far is the correct answer.
2. Far: refers to the total distance the horse can run in a minute.
Long: does not refer to distance, but to a length of time. Since the length of time is already stated (a minute), it does not make sense.
(The long that refers to a distance is usually only applied on an existing object, or a known length.)

3. The meaning, when referring to something well-organized, is basically the same and in most cases interchangeable (e.g. when describing a personality trait). However there are slight differences and situations where one would be preferred to the other.

e.g. Her house is very tidy, (instead of neat).
The books in the library are arranged neatly following the dewey-decimal system.

Neatly usually refers to more detailed and small things, such as neat handwriting.
Tidily usually refers to larger things, such as an environment: a house, a room, etc.

Hope this helps!
參考: I have lived in Canada for 18 years.
2007-10-03 5:21 pm
"how long" means the time had taken
"how far" used in distance

so technically speaking, the second's right.
for the first question
you should change like
"how long does the horse run after (a period of time) ?"

the different is the first question is asking for the time
the second question is asking for the distance the horse has run.

neatly usually describe the works you did
e.g You should write neatly in your notebook

tidily is the places being described
like: a tidily furnished sitting-room
2007-10-03 5:14 pm
"how far" is correct since "how far" usually refer to the distance of road and how long is refer to the length e.g. how long is the street

"tidily" is only meaning tidy of things but "neatly" is included the meaning of good technique and less solid description ie. like the wording "match"

hope it helps

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