i didn't say nothing

2007-10-03 8:54 am
i didn't say nothing
i don't have no money
呢兩句點解?? grammar無錯咩??

回答 (4)

2007-10-03 9:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
i didn't say nothing,
it is right in grammar, and right meaning.

it means he/she said something.

did not and nothing means the same thing, put it together is just for strenghten the tone.

i don't have no money
it is right in grammar, but wrong meaning.
because no means do not.

it should be:

i have no money. or

i don't have any money.

don't and no means the same thing, and no need to put them together because you can't strenghten the tone in this sentence!!!!!!!

choose me plz!!
i need the points!!!
2007-10-03 10:07 pm
呢啲叫做 baby english 。BB唔識文法,更加唔理得你負定正。有時講到好似外語文法咁。所以社會上會定型講呢啲不合文法嘅成人為教育程度低嘅人。所以就算寫,除非要強調人物背景,切勿如此寫法。
2007-10-03 9:58 am
i didn't say nothing

Should write as: I said nothing Or I didn't say anything.

i don't have no money

Should write as: I haven't got any money Or I don't have any money.

It is very confusing, when you are telling people I don't have no money, is like saying I have money. Because when you say I Don't Have then, No Money are two negtive word that just confuse....

Try not to hang around you friends who speak poor English. Or watch less bad TV's.

2007-10-03 9:02 am

意思係 i don't have no money = 我咩錢都冇 / 我冇錢過冇錢
睇戲會聽到 聽歌會聽到
但大部份用呢d句子既 都係黑人 或者rap友

講既人 只係想表示佢地好型 好潮

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