翻譯英文阿!但唔好用網頁果D thanks!

2007-10-03 8:14 am

回答 (2)

2007-10-03 3:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1-Do you think that stress is created by the world around you, or do you create it yourself?
2-Do you feel that stress comes from the world or from yourself?
3-Do you think that anyone gives you stress or do you give yourself stress?
2007-10-03 8:25 am
In your perspective, stress are created by external factor or just created by yourself.

2007-10-03 22:05:09 補充:
moreover, if you using those question as a normal topic when chat with your friend or as a serveythen u can adopt ''pendas_n_guins's' sentence. if u use it as a psychological question, then u better ask question indirectly.
參考: self

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