Why is the Arsenal team so strong?

2007-10-03 8:02 am
Why is the Arsenal team so strong?

A --- it is very very strong, the players are fantastic.
B --- manchester utd, liverpool, chelsea are so weak and their players are without skills.
C --- because it is the best team in the world.
D --- A+B+C

i think it's D. What do u think???

no,no,no, u are wrong! Arsenal is the best

回答 (4)

2007-10-04 9:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I do not think is D because B and C is not true .
B is not true because Manchester United , Chelsea and Liverpool are strong teams. Although they do not play so beautiful soccer as Arsenal,but we cannot say their players are without skills.
C is not true because Arsenal is not the strongest team in the world. Real Madrid obtains very good results in Spain League and UCEFA in this season. I think Real Madrid is the strongest team in the world.
I think is A+the young players are mature and the coach uses good football strategies +they have not played with strong teams such as Manchester United,Chelsea and Liverpool in English Premier League.

2007-10-04 13:34:58 補充:
I think Arsenal is not the best team in the world in this season. I think Real Madrid is in fact the best team in the world in this season..
參考: my opinion
2007-10-09 2:26 am
我a,b,c都唔choose係因為今年Henry走左,成班年青球員大打掙氣ball,今年則以fabregas,Van Persie等骨幹球員為首,阿仙奴高層曾給Wenger好多錢去增兵,但佢反對,佢話今年D球員會大打掙氣ball,「我地阿仙奴有球員,唔要你D錢」開頭有好多人都反對佢,但依家都有晒成果,仲唔收聲咩
參考: 自己
2007-10-03 8:42 am
2007-10-03 8:08 am
i don't think so

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