star alliance入會問題

2007-10-03 7:06 am
請問點樣申請成為star alliance 會員,因為我近排經ANA飛東京,依家想儲飛行里數。但係Star alliance網頁入面又好似搵唔到邊度有得申請!

回答 (4)

2007-10-04 8:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Star Alliances members:-
Air Canada / Air New Zealand / ANA All Nippon Airways
Asiana / Austrian / BMI
LOT Polish Airlines / Lufthansa German Airlines / SAS Scandinavian Airlines
Singapore Airlines / South African Airways / Spanair
Swiss / TAP Portugal / Thai Airways
United Airlines / US Airways

Really depends on where you fly most frequent and which cities that you like to travel...
You have to think of the future travel. If you choose the wrong one, you will waste your mileages. Some memberships only offer bonus miles, discounts, lucky draws to its membership from its own country.

Sounds like you travel to Japan recently. Did you think about you travel very often to Japan? Sometimes, booking classes make different to what you earn from different airlines' membership.

My experiences:-
I still have active mileages from Lufthansa, United Airlines, Singapore Airlines, inactive with ANA
Well, I used to fly Singapore Airlines more frequent to London, Frankfurt, Sydney, Melbourne, Singapore; for certain reasons, I stopped flying with Singapore Airlines

I did fly United Airlines. Sometimes, I earned some special bonus miles but I did not fly to US so frequent

I used to fly Lufthansa to Germany, and Europe and I keep flying when I go to Germany when I need to fly without stopover to other cities(to visit friends or travel), earn mileages when I book hotels directly all over the world, if I want to go to Thailand and have chances to fly Thai Airways, I can still use it.

Conclusion: if you travel in Asia more frequent and if YOU REALLY NEED TO STICK WITH STAR ALLIANCES CARRIERS, I would say Thai Airways or Singapore Airlines, ANA only if you are big fans of Japan
Thai Airways:-
cities such as Bangkok, Phuket...(all Thailand destination), Taipei, Seoul, Australia via Bangkok, Europe/UK via Bangkok
Singapore Airlines:-
cities such as Singapore, San Francisco, via Singapore to destination such as Malaysia, Australia, Europe/UK
cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, cities within Japan, Europe/UK, US via the mentioned two cities

By the way, mostly, you have to present your membership card when you check-in or when you book your ticket(s). However, KEEP YOUR BOARDING PASS, TICKETS and contact the membership of the airline that you want to join, see if they can assist you like their standard members.
2016-01-02 11:01 am
不明白如何申請成為 star alliance 會員???請賜教!!!
2009-02-01 5:23 am
我的名字is raymond li
www.money128.biz和 -
[email protected]
2007-10-03 8:23 am
如果你想儲飛行里數... 你係同航空公司申請,你去到Star Alliance其中一間會員航空公司... 之後向佢地申請就可以,好多時可以網上申請... 之後就會比一張暫時既會員卡,等你飛完第一程機就會比一張正式會員卡你... 而且Star Alliance所有航空公司既飛行里數會員都可以用其他Star Alliance航空公司既服務(例如: 用飛行里數換機票 等等)...
如果你係主要飛日本航線,而且主要飛ANA... 我就會建議你申請ANA既會員卡... ANA果個就叫ANA Mileage Club... 你可以上網 申請同睇返細節... 你申請左做ANA Mileage Club會員,你亦可以係Star Alliance其他航空公司儲飛行里數或者使用你既飛行里數...
參考: 本人亦是ANA Mileage Club會員...

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