spice girl 2008演唱會飛

2007-10-03 6:35 am
想問都過左1/10/2007為個spice girl的網上購票都冇回音咁點先可以買要香港的門票呀?好想睇呀

回答 (2)

2007-10-05 12:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你有keep 住check thespicegirls.com 佢地有update info, 由於uk, us, d tour 全部full 曬, 所以佢地要加場, 令原本話係hk 下年一月既都會改期, 亦因為咁, 香港以及部份國家仍未收到confirmation email, 所以要耐心等待, 我相信門票都要八百幾蚊港幣, 如果係英鎊就無乜可能勒...

2007-10-03 5:57 pm
英國的concert已公佈結果及開始賣飛,香港果個應該好匆快有結果,可以check下spice girls official website。以下是英國太陽報報導:

Spice Girls tickets now out

October 01, 2007


FANS who registered for tickets for the SPICE GIRLS reunion tour must respond to emails confirming they are successful within 72 hours.

Thousands registered on a website, and those lucky enough to be chosen will be notified no later than today.

One date, on Dec 15, was sold out within 38 seconds of fans being notified.

Those who have yet to buy theirs will get a password on the email which they can use to buy tickets.

The Spice Girls reunion tour hits the O2 Arena on December 15, 16 and 18, and January 2, though it is possible more dates could be added.

For more details on the tour visit www.thespicegirls.com.

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