
2007-10-03 6:23 am


回答 (5)

2007-10-03 6:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
話說回來,意思有幾個, 例子:
1) Speaking of the party tomorrow, would you mind to bring some plates? - 講開/話說回來明晚的 party, 你可否帶一些碟子來﹖
2) Afterall (畢竟/說到底), she is just a child and can't do the same thing as adults.
By the way 是順帶一提﹐好似唔太適合.

我還是覺得第一個 Speaking of....最適合, 希望幫到你。
參考: Myself. I live in the US.
2007-10-03 6:33 am
As mentioned earlier,
2007-10-03 6:27 am
Is Having said that

by iGoogle
2007-10-03 6:27 am
The words say that come back
2007-10-03 6:25 am
By the way
參考: me

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