
2007-10-03 5:32 am
The fifth principle states that trade may make it possible for everyone to be better off. For example in this case, people who have money will want the chicken, because the traditional Chinese thought at the festival, must be have the chicken. And the firms which chicken agriculture have chicken will need to sell off all the chicken. Based on this concept, people and chicken agriculture can benefit from trade, namely both of them become better off.

回答 (1)

2007-10-03 8:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
The fifth principle states that trade creates the possibility for everyone to be better off. Using this case as an example (我唔知你咩case), people who have money will want the chicken as traditional Chinese think that chicken is a must at festivals. Also, chicken providers will want to sell all of their chickens. Based on the above concept, both people and chicken agriculture benefit from trade, thus both of them are better off.

1. make it possible, it 既意思含糊不清, 所以轉了一下.
2. 我不知道你是甚麼 case, 所以照寫
3. thought --> think, 因為到依家都仲係咁認為
4. think/ thought 後面加個 that
5. must be have 係錯架, 唔會有 be.
6. And 字通常係跟 comma, 唔跟 full stop.
7. And the firms which chicken agriculture have chicken --> 唔知你想講乜, 所以又轉左轉
參考: 自己

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