中譯英 + 答案 禁網譯

2007-10-03 5:16 am
中譯英 + 答案 禁網譯 否則.....

Complete the poster.

Comic World's

Comic World's annual comic book sale is now on!Get ________ on _______,or buy older comics at _________.We have many different kinds of comic hooks to choose from,so come and buy one that's right for you!

Brand new T-shirts,hats and posters featuring the hottest comic book characters are on _________ now.And if you want the __________ of the Comic Hero electronic game,come and visit us.

中譯英 + 答案 禁網譯 否則..... 仲有: The more you buy,the bigger the ________ you can enjoy! Comeic World 1441 Central Plaza,Central

回答 (1)

2007-10-03 6:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Comic World's

Comic World's annual comic book sale is now on!Get __your hands______ on _the newest issues___,or buy older comics at __a bargain price_______.We have many different kinds of comic hooks (books?) to choose from,so come and buy one that's right for you!

Brand new T-shirts,hats and posters featuring the hottest comic book characters are on __sale_______ now.And if you want the __latest version________ of the Comic Hero electronic game,come and visit us.
動漫天地一年一度的大特賣展開了! 快來選購最新號漫畫, 還有以特價發售的舊漫畫. 漫畫品種繁多, 你一定找到最愛!
動漫人物圖案新款T-恤, 帽和海報大特賣! 並有最新款的動漫遊戲, 快來搶購!

1. 填充的可能性頗多, 以上只是其中一些可行的選擇
2. comic world 似是某店的名稱, 應有自己的專有譯名, 你應比我清楚, 現暫譯為動漫天地作為參考
3. 由於這是宣傳標語, 化為中文時不應該以忠實地翻譯字句為目標, 最重要是帶出特賣的信息, 和符合中文宣傳句語的習慣. 所以我不會寫 "我們有許多種類供選擇, 快來買適合你的" 這類的中文.

The more you buy,the bigger ___discount___ you can enjoy!

Comic World
1441 Central Plaza,Central
買得多, 優惠更多!
中環 中環廣場 1441

1. central plaza / 中環廣場位於灣仔, 不是中環. 在中環有一座 the centre 中環中心

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