wifi link 係咪可以令到其他上唔到網既電腦上網

2007-10-03 3:45 am
我意思係o個部電腦(not notebook) 冇連接任何上網公司
但係有一部可以上網既電腦 插住左個wifi link
咁就冇得上網o個部都可以上網.... (即係做到 router既功能?? )

if i use a wireless router , how can i connect my new computer to the router ? it's linked by wireless lan ? ( no cable at all ? ) and 我唔係太明你最尾o個句係講緊乜.. thanks

回答 (1)

2007-10-03 9:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
yes... you are right... but please be note that

The computer 可以上網既電腦 and 插住左個wifi link.. must need to do some setting and share the computer network channel to your another computer, and set the wifi link as access point. And also, set the security for WEP for your computer. the point is. your computer need to wireless connect to your Wifi link computer... if you don't have this, that mean you need to buy another wireless (or another wifi link) for your new computer. In fact, why you are not thinking about the router or hub to share rather than use wifi link to share for Internet...

It may also concern your computer may block your internet access by the new computer?

Good Luck!!

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