近期有咩關於人力資源管理的新聞 ?

2007-10-03 2:37 am
近期有咩關於人力資源管理的新聞 ?

回答 (1)

2007-10-03 7:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Nine women claim sexual discrimination over airline's former retirement policy

Four former and five serving flight attendants of Cathay Pacific Airways alleged sexual discrimination under the airline's previous retirement policy. The claim alleged the policy, under which men retired at 55 and women at 40, violated the Sex Discrimination Ordinance enacted in 1996. The airline then changed the policy in 1999 to allow women to retire at 55. The claimants, who had joined the company while the former policy was in effect, had their pension entitlements paid out at 40. Nevertheless, their employment was extended for another five years on 12-month temporary contracts. The airline reinstated them to full-time employment in 1999 and they were compensated. 9 women claim they lost retirement benefits under the new arrangement and should be entitled to a full pension calculated continuously from the date they originally joined the airline. On the other hand, lawyer representing Cathay Pacific asked the District Court Judge to dismiss the case of HK$10 million on the grounds that the claimants’ employment had not been continuous.

2007-10-06 03:13:55 補充:
大把人力資源管理新聞啦...Hospital Authority managers face deadline over early retirement (SCMP, 5/10/07)

2007-10-06 03:14:19 補充:
Sixty senior managers of the Hospital Authority, several of them are chief executives ofdistrict public hospitals, have until today to accept an offer for early retirement to addressredundancy.

2007-10-06 03:14:29 補充:
David Rossiter, head of human resources said the authority has decided tooffer a voluntary early retirement to staff in the authority head office who are of the rank ofsenior manager or above. He could not predict how many would take the offer ahead of the deadline.

2007-10-06 03:17:10 補充:
仲有 SCMP, 5/10/07Sing Pao avoids strike with wages settlement

2007-10-06 03:17:58 補充:
20 staff of Sing Pao Daily held strike on Wednesday night after the managementrefused to pay the August wages for its 270 editorial staff. The management then settledAugust’s wages for those earning less than $15000 last night, while those earningmore than that amount had to wait 2 more days.

2007-10-06 03:18:57 補充:
The management also promised to settle last month’s pay this month. The Labour Department said it was greatly concerned about the matter, but needed Sing Pao staff to come forward and testify before any action could be taken.

2007-10-06 03:19:35 補充:
Sing Pao Daily has been convicted at least 5 times this year for late payment of wages and contributions to the mandatory provident fund.
參考: SCMP, 25/9/07

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