
2007-10-03 12:41 am
例子:I usually______________(start) work at 9 a.m.
問題:usually 後面的"start" 要作什麼改變?如果不用"I",用"he""she""it"又要怎樣呢?


回答 (3)

2007-10-03 12:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
有usually通常都係現在式 現在式 如果是 i you we they 後面動詞就係不變
例子:i usually start wory at 9a.m.
如果是he she it的話 後面動詞就要加s
例子: he usually starts work at 9 a.m.
參考: by meself
2007-10-04 1:17 am
Generally, "a subject + Verb" should be followed by "to + infinitive" or a gerund, a noun in verb-ing form.
Hence , the proper way should be "He usually starts to work at 9 a.m. " Or "He usually starts working at 9 a.m.
2007-10-03 12:47 am
I usually______________(start) work at 9 a.m.

I usually start work at 9 a.m

usually 係 adv. 所以後面既verb唔駛改變, 但如果主詞 ( i, you, we, they......)係第三身單數, 個verb就要加s or es

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