
2007-10-03 12:01 am
如果我scale brokenchord果條彈錯左幾粒音,
sightreading就錯左1 2粒音

回答 (4)

2007-10-03 12:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Pieces : A = 21/22 B = 23/24 C = 23/24

Scale : 17/18

Sight - reading : 17/18

Aural : 15/16

Total : 116/122

( pass / merit )

2007-10-04 21:54:32 補充:
when you get your result please e- mail to tell me my e-mail address : [email protected]
2007-10-05 12:24 am
Pieces : A = 19/20 B = 22/23 C = 22/23

Scale : 15/16

Sight - reading : 16/17

Aural : 13/14

Total : 107/113

( pass )
2007-10-03 1:48 am
MAYBE u'll pass ~i'm sorry say that,because u really play so many thing wrong
hope u'll pass!bless u ^^
2007-10-03 12:13 am
You need to see if the 考官 good or not, but if the 考官 is mean, then you won't be passed, but if that 考官 is nice, you still get a change to past it, but no MERIT!~

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