What is the SWOT and What is SWOT in E-Tendering?

2007-10-02 10:08 pm
What is the SWOT and What is SWOT in E-Tendering?

回答 (3)

2007-10-02 10:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When you are compiling marketing or other business proposal, you should analyse and rate the situation of your objective, especailly the influences of internal and external stakeholders. SWOT are actually the analytical points. They are the initials of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

I don't really understand the terms mentioned in your tender. The SWOT in your tender may mean that you should submit an analysis of SWOT for your project or your organization.

2007-10-02 15:02:15 補充:
Strengths are the edges and advantages of your objectives. Weaknesses are the disadvantages of your objectives.Opportunities are the positive prospects of your project. Threats are the hidden pressure that may be exerted by your competitors.
2007-10-09 9:34 pm
did not answer to the question of e-Tendering !
S: fast distribution
W: cannot submit loads of document and drawings
O: extend to non-government commercial world
T: traditional way works better and faster
2007-10-02 10:14 pm
SWOT = strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats

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