
2007-10-02 6:39 pm
需要dl一個聲card, 如要的話又要去那裡dl?

回答 (4)

2007-10-02 7:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 use motherboard cd install sound card driver
2 if no motherboard cd, use recovery cd to install sound card driver
3 if no 1 & 2 didn't work, check sound card brand and model and then
download driver for XP Windows.

How to checck sound card brand and model:
assume you are not expert,
1 download EVEREST Home: http://toget.pchome.com.tw/intro/utility_other/23621_dl.html
2 install and run it, jot down the sound card brand and model
3 to google your sound card brand and model
4 download the driver and install and reboot to test
5 if fail, try download locations
6 if still fail, have some experts to fix it.
2007-10-02 6:49 pm
首先你部機係原廠定DIY. 如果係原廠應該有d recover CD比你, 裏面有driver, 但起邊個folder, 你可以打電話去保養度問.

如果係DIY, 咁就要睇下你有冇keep住買機時果d CD, 如果有, 應該有隻寫住sound card / sound driver之類, 咁個driver就起呢度.
如果唔見左隻CD, 咁可以上網dl 一d軟件來check部機用咩sound card, 再上網dl.
2007-10-02 6:47 pm
最簡單就係用底板跟來CD裝返sound carddriver, 如果冇CD就去底板牌子網站download返driver就OK啦。
2007-10-02 6:45 pm
係呀 ~ 我都試過有咁既倩況發生 ~ 呀 !!! , 咁樣呢 ~ 你就要上網去搵個網站去 download 返個聲先得 ~ 呀 !!!!!
參考: me......me.........................me

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