英國留學, 以下那個城市生活平些?

2007-10-02 6:05 pm
London is the most expensive city to live in England. If I have to buy my lunch 5 days a week and go from london zone 3 or 4 to zone 1 to go to school and back to zone 3 or 4 after school, how much should i need for daily expense?
Hastings, Bournemouth, Manchester, Edinburgh, Dublin: which city has the lowest living cost?
Please reply asap, thank you. I have to make my decision before 5 October.
You can answer in Chinese or English.

回答 (2)

2007-10-02 6:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think Manachester is the lowest cot city in general. I have been living in London and Manchester b4 so the living standard in Manchester is low compair to those city u had mentioned.

By the way, Manchester has one of the top university in UK so i prefer u study at there b4 u get into the Uni.Therefore,u can easy to handle the life style when the time u get into the Uni at Manchester.

2007-10-02 18:18:28 補充:
breakfast 2.5 lunch 3dinner 5traffic 1supermarket 314.5 pounds per day

2007-10-02 18:20:35 補充:
U better ask the school staff or school agancy to look for a host family or house for u at London. It cost around 200-350 pounds per week i guess. It cost lots though so u better think about it.All my friend had suffered the high rental fee.
參考: My friend is still working in Manchester and i had been living in London for more than 10 years.
2007-10-02 6:40 pm
I will suggest you to go to Scotland as the living standard there will be much cheapest than Midland (Manchester). But you should know that the criminal rate there is also the highest.

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