dunno = do not know ???

2007-10-02 8:17 am
dunno = do not know ???
係咪the same?

回答 (7)

2007-10-02 9:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實係北美洲, dunno 係好常用o既口語, 有時更會作單字使用.

For example,

Queston: Do you know where's my pen?
Ans: Dunno.

呢d係十分casual o既對答, 大多只會係朋友/屋企/同事/ROOMMATES間用到. 而由於 internet language 都係十分口語化, 所以都會用到o架. 另外, 歌詞都成日有用 dunno o架. 但 formal (written) 就唔會用啦 .
2007-10-02 8:43 am
dunno is as same as don't know..
but u only use it on internet when u're chating with ur fds.
cos it's informal word.
And then, dunno this word isn't about speaking English.
when u r listening british they also say "I don't know" which is example..
but they speak really fast so you think that they r speaking "dunno".
but I can tell u it isn't.
參考: myself
2007-10-02 8:23 am
係ah,dun=don't no=know dunno=don't know
2007-10-02 8:21 am
dunno = do not know or does not know
2007-10-02 8:21 am
Yupe. dunno = 口語化格式 (意即 don't know); do not know = 手寫格式
2007-10-02 8:21 am
2007-10-02 8:20 am

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