1/10 (28) 三種有關化學名稱的英文是甚麼?

2007-10-02 7:21 am
(1) 元素
(2) 化合物
(3) 混合物


回答 (6)

2007-10-02 7:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) 元素=element
(2) 化合物= compound
(3) 混合物= mixture
2007-10-02 10:15 pm
(1) 元素---element
(2) 化合物---compound
(3) 混合物---mixture
參考: ME 初三本化學書
2007-10-02 7:44 am
1) elements : substances that cannot be broken down into any simpler by chemical change
2)compound:a substance that is made up of 2/more elements by chemical method
3)mixture: at least 2 pure substances that are physically combined
參考: me
2007-10-02 7:32 am
(1) 元素 = Elements
Element is a pure substance which cannot be broken down into anything simpler by chemical methods

(2) 化合物 = Compounds
Compound is puresubstance which consists of two or more elements chemically joined together

(3) 混合物 = Mixtures
Mixture consists of two or more pure substances (elements or compounds) mixed together.
2007-10-02 7:30 am
(1) 元素 Promethium
(2) 化合物

有機化合物含有碳氫化合物(或叫做烴,hydrocarbon),如甲烷(methane, CH4)
無機化合物不含碳氫化合物,如硫酸鉛(lead (II) sulphate, PbSO4)
(3) 混合物 mixture
2007-10-02 7:26 am
(1) 元素 = element
(2) 化合物 = compound
(3) 混合物 = mixture

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