
2007-10-02 6:44 am

回答 (2)

2007-10-02 5:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
高就係高架la. 不過唔駛驚wor, 你留意下有得發a股既股票係發a股前幾勁, 去到a股掛牌前1日就要走la. 1898 有排炒..你睇下1088...涷結左2.7萬億rmb...勁到飛起.
不過, 居安思危, 呢隻野又真係升得好多同好急, 有人獲利沽貨都好正常. 建議你set番個止蝕位, 你可以用10天平均做準則, 或者你自己可以承受既風險. 嚴守止蝕位. 咁就包無死la.
2007-10-03 7:33 am
nope...it should raise to $28 at least...

i bought it at $15 and sold it for $21. i will buy more for short term profit!
good luck~~

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