HKMA係咪HK既central bank?

2007-10-02 6:29 am
Hong Kong Monetary Authority究竟係唔係香港既central bank?

回答 (2)

2007-10-03 5:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
雖然HKMA沒有單獨執行發行鈔票和做結算工作, 但在港幣的貨幣供應, 外匯管理等工作都擔當著中央銀行的角色.
因此, 任總亦多次贏得最佳央行行長的奬項.
2007-10-02 8:46 am
HKMA only perform part of the central bank function such as to keep the daily buying and selling HK$ at a balance and stable position. They cannot do much because they are not the only note-issuing bank in HK. They need support from other note-issuing bank to process the monetary policy and fiscal policy.

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