
2007-10-02 5:21 am




回答 (2)

2007-10-02 5:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
On Sep 29, I went to Tat Mei Tuk to have a barbecue with my family and relatives. We arrived at about 2p.m. I was not satified because it was too eariler for me. There were enough place! However, I changed my mind since the other people started to have barbecue too. I felt so lucky then.

At the beginning, it was no problem for us to light up the fire. We placed the forks on the stove.But we forgot just need to heat up the forks only and so they turned into dark. That was so ugly!

Then, my cousin and I went for a walk because we were already full with hunger. On the way, two boys came to talk with us. They looked good but we just talked a little and went away.

About 10p.m, we went back home by train.

2007-10-01 21:49:21 補充:
P.S. 我想題醒發問者,"On september 29 that day" 文法是錯的

2007-10-01 21:52:23 補充:
我打錯了, 大美督== Tai Mei Tuk

2007-10-01 21:53:45 補充:
我打錯了, 大美督== Tai Mei Tuk
參考: myself
2007-10-02 5:30 am
On September 29 that day, I, the family member and the relative went has greatly beautifully supervised bakes We probably noon 2. arrived I am very unsatisfied, because I think too early, also is not does not have the position to bake But is not, after same day we arrive, already started some people to bake, the feeling was very lucky Starts, cooks meals is does not have the question, then we put bake fork burn to the stove, but clean, but we have forgotten only are burn as soon as meet The result all burnt the fork to change color, a little 嘔心 ~ I all quite quick eat to the full afterwards with the older female cousin, to neighbor walked Some 2 male students pass through chat with us, appearance also good ~ only we discussed one could walk About 10., we all together ride the train respectively to go home.....英文是沒有嘔心.....sorry...........
參考: me

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