
2007-10-02 4:41 am
whose autistic son Man hon has been missing for the past seven years,it woll be another lonely Mid-Autimn Festival this year.
i stopped celebrating all the major festivals long ago,Yu said at an event in Tsim Sha Tsui yseterday.Holidays remind me of not having Man-hon around.
But.she is not giving up hope completely as long as there is still the slightest chance that her son might,some day,be found alive and well.

whose autistic son Man-hon has been missing for the past seven years,it will be another lonely Mid-Autumn Festival this year. i stopped celebrating all the major festivals long ago,Yu said at an event in Tsim Sha Tsui yseterday.Holidays remind me of not having Man-hon around.

回答 (3)

2007-10-02 4:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
但旦止, 她並不是要放棄希望徹底,只要還有一點機會,她的兒子可能,有一天,被發現還活著和很好。
2007-10-02 4:49 am

2007-10-01 20:54:09 補充:
上面位人兄唔覺得有問題咩e.g. Mid-Autimn 應該係Mid-Autumn Yu----youyseterday-----yesterday等等..........
2007-10-02 4:47 am
我停止從前慶祝所有主要節日, Yu在Tsim Sha Tsui說在一個事件yseterday。假日提醒我有人hon。
But.sh e不完全地放棄希望,只要仍然有她的兒子可能的最輕微的機會,某一天,被發現活和好。
參考: →我← , →(me)← ●︵●!!~♀ ♂ ★

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