超急急急急急急急 3

2007-10-02 4:31 am
touched bored excited emazed frightened amused disapponinted
1.The class thought that Martin could sing very well.But he was actually a poor singer.They were_______with his singing.
2.Roy read a storybook yesterday.It was not interesting at all.He________by the story.
3.The clown did some silly tricks and the children laughed.They________by he tricks.

4.Some of the children screamed when they saw the ghost in the flim.They ________by the ghost. 5.paula won a writing campetition.she could not sleep all night .She_________about he succes. .


6.The old lady in the story dies when she tries to save he grandson .The chidren_________by the plot

回答 (4)

2007-10-02 4:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
touched bored excited e(a)mazed frightened amused disappo(n)inted

1.The class thought that Martin could sing very well.But he was actually a poor singer.They were__touched(被感動)_____with his singing.
2.Roy read a storybook yesterday.It was not interesting at all.He__bored(悶)______by the story.
3.The clown did some silly tricks and the children laughed.They___amazed(驚奇)_____by he tricks.
4.Some of the children screamed(大叫) when they saw the ghost in the flim.They __frightened(害怕)______by the ghost.
5.paula won a writing campetition.she could not sleep all night.She___amused(開心)______about he success(成功).

6.The old lady in the story dies when she tries to save he grandson .The children___excited(緊張)______by the plot(情節)


2007-10-02 21:46:05 補充:
Yahoo!知識 名人 現代教育超級名師 × Yahoo!知識 小王子 x One World One Dream 2008 多謝你咁睇得起我!話我係英文名師...
2007-10-02 5:07 am
1) disappointed
2)bored-but should be- was bored
3)amazed-should be- was amazed
4)frightened-should be-were frightened
5)excited-should be-was excited
6) touched-should be-was touched
2007-10-02 5:07 am
1.The class thought that Martin could sing very well.But he was actually a poor singer.They were disapponinted
with his singing.
2.Roy read a storybook yesterday.It was not interesting at all. He was bored by the story.
3.The clown did some silly tricks and the children laughed.They were amused by the tricks.
4.Some of the children screamed when they saw the ghost in the flim.They were frightened by the ghost.
5. Paula won a writing competition. She could not sleep all night. She was excited about her success.
2007-10-02 4:49 am
touched bored excited e(a)mazed frightened amused disappo(n)inted

1.The class thought that Martin could sing very well.But he was actually a poor singer.They were__touched(被感動)_____with his singing.
2.Roy read a storybook yesterday.It was not interesting at all.He__bored(悶)______by the story.
3.The clown did some silly tricks and the children laughed.They___amaze d(驚奇)_____by he tricks.
4.Some of the children screamed(大叫) when they saw the ghost in the flim.They __frightened(害怕)______by the ghost.
5.paula won a writing campetition.she could not sleep all night.She___amused(開心)______about he success(成功).

6.The old lady in the story dies when she tries to save he grandson .The children___excited(緊張)______by the plot(情節).
參考: 感謝: 現代教育超級名師 Eng

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