唔明哩句英文 (soared to divine heights)

2007-10-02 4:25 am
However, as his fortune and popularity declined, the quality of his music soared to divine heights.

主要係唔明soared to divine heights @@"

回答 (3)

2007-10-02 5:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Meaning of soar:
When something soars, it suddenly increases or becomes more valuable.
If something soars into the air, it goes quickly into it.

Soar to divine heights may mean : rise quickly and reach a very high level

Here is another example showing the use of the word soar :
Love must soar to the greatest heights of sacrifice.

2007-10-01 21:23:50 補充:
fortune 解作財產popularity 解作受歡迎程度全句意譯:當他的財富和受歡迎程度下降時,他的音樂質素卻提升到無上境界!
2007-10-02 4:33 am
參考: 自己及字典
2007-10-02 4:30 am
soared to divine heights 解作:驟升預測高度
However, as his fortune and popularity declined, the quality of his music soared to divine heights. 解作:不過,當他的命運和流行下降時,他的音樂的質量驟升預測高度。
參考: dr.eye

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