急`英文改寫句子" [20分]

2007-10-02 4:04 am
1.(John) is walking into a park.
2.Jack (flew a kite) in the garden.
3.Jack flew a kite (in the garden).
4.Mary celebrated Christmas with her friends (in the room).
5.Mary celebrated (Christmas) with her friends in the room.
6.Mary (celebrated Christmas) with her friends in the room.



7.Kitty writes 10 letters to her friends (every day). 8.Kitty writes (10) letters to her friends every day. 9.Kitty writes (10 letters) to her friends every day. 10.(Sandy's) brother is the most intelligent boy in the class.


11.There are (10) boys in the room. 12.Peter went to school because his mother asked him to do so. 13.Tom spent (2) hours to go to school by bus. 14.Tom spent (2) hours to go to school (by bus). 15.May broke (her promise).

回答 (3)

2007-10-02 4:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Who is walking into a park?
2.What did Jack do in the garden?
3.Where did Jack fly a kite?
4.Where did Mary celebrate Christmas with her friends?
5.What did Mary celebrate with her friends in the room?
6.What did Mary do with her friends in the room?
7.How [often] do Kitty write 10 letters to her friends?
8.How many letters do Kitty write to her friends every day?
9.What does Kitty write to her friends every day?
10.Whose brother is the most intelligent boy in the class?
11.How many boys are in the room?
12.(I think you use 'why')
Why did Peter go th school?
13.How many hours did Tom spend to go to school by bus?
14.How many hours did Tom spend to go to school and how did he go to school?
15.What did May break?
[You can use this word or not]
2007-10-02 5:41 am
1.Who is walking into a park?
2.What did Jack do in the garden?
3.Where did Jack fly a kite?
4.Where did Mary celebrate Christmas with her friends?
5.What did Mary celebrate with her friends in the room?
6.What did Mary do with her friends in the room?
7.How [often] do Kitty write 10 letters to her friends?
8.How many letters do Kitty write to her friends every day?
9.What does Kitty write to her friends every day?
10.Whose brother is the most intelligent boy in the class?
11.How many boys are in the room?
12.(I think you use 'why';)
Why did Peter go th school?
13.How many hours did Tom spend to go to school by bus?
14.How many hours did Tom spend to go to school and how did he go to school?
15.What did May break?

hope can help you~^^
參考: my sister
2007-10-02 4:09 am
1. Who is walking into the park?
2. What was Jack doing in the garden?
3.Where was Jack flying the kite?
4. Where did Mary celebrate Christmas with her friends?
5. What did Mary celebrate with her friends in the room?
6. What was Mary doing with her friends in the room?

2007-10-01 20:12:21 補充:
7. How often does Kitty write letters to her friends?8. How many letters does Kitty write to her friends everyday?9. What does Kitty write to her friends everyday?10. Whose brother is the most intelligent boy in the class?

2007-10-01 22:06:56 補充:
11. How many boys are there in the room?12. Emmm.....13. How many hours did Tom spend to go to school by bus?14. How many hours did Tom spend to go to school by bus? How did Tom go to school?15. What did May broke?BEWARE OF THE TENSES USED!!!!!!!!
參考: me

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