why people have to steal things?

2007-10-02 2:00 am
why people have to steal things?

回答 (2)

2007-10-02 2:11 am
In my opinion, each one of us has stolen something at a given moment, even if that was a little, unimportant thing. In the kindergarten we used to steal our neighbour's doll or toy-car, because it was more interesting than the one we had. Then, we just 'took' some money from our mother's purse because we wanted to buy more sweets as she didn't want to give us frequently to eat, saying that sweets are bad for our teeth.

But these are funny cases when people, at an early age, steal things. Unfortunately, stealing things is a more serious problem in our lives, because it can turn into an illness. Therefore, there are sick persons who just steal things because they suffer from an illness called kleptomania. Even if they are rich people who don’t need to steal anything, they can’t stop themselves from stealing something, from time to time. They act without intention, but still they cannot control themselves.

On the other hand, there are persons who steal great amounts of money, jewels, or other valuable goods, because this is their 'job'. They dedicate their lives to this, and are considered dangerous thieves for the society. Even though they have accumulated a lot of money, without being captured by the police, they decide to keep on stealing, because they want to have more and more. However, in the majority of cases, they are finally trapped by the authorities, and can spend many years in prison.

Moreover, some people steal because they are too poor and money isn't enough for their daily necessities. And they find different ways to do it: they steal from the place they work place, they rob something from their neighbour, steal from shops or markets, and so on. Generally, these people steal not so valuable things, but especially food, drink, clothes, and little sums of money, which they use to pay their debts.

Sometimes, children steal money from their parents or even sell objects in their house because they need money for certain things.

To conclude, we can say that no matter the reasons which determine some of us to steal more or less valuable things, there are always others who have to suffer being stolen something.
Why do you think people steal things?
參考: articles.famouswhy.com/why_do_you_think_people_ste... -
2007-10-02 2:04 am
because they dont have $$ = =

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