
2007-10-02 12:47 am






回答 (4)

2007-10-02 1:59 am
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classical story:a hero changes to bad man ,and then back to a nice guy again.
i can't see any part of the book is brilliant , maybe the movie is neither.
there are a lots of emotion showed in the story:friendship , love , family...but they are just showed in a slightly way , have a little bit confused.
quite disappointed that i can't feel any mettle of the hero.
參考: 個人(我中3的)
2007-10-03 12:19 am
Typical story, it was the hero that suddenly became a bad person , then the story also suddenly which become good. Read and can not find out where is excellent , perhaps see the film and can not experience too. Emotions that the story wants to express are many, friendship, love, kindred, but has just taken gently, a little messy. Can't experience the hero's spirit, a little disappointed
2007-10-02 2:47 am
The plot of typical model is a hero to become a bad person suddenly again, then again get well a plot suddenly.

Reading the book can not tell where fascinating, go to the movie to also could not feel probably.

The story thinks the affection for expressing is a lot of, friendship, love, natural affection, but just once brought lightly, have a little in disorder.

Could not feel heroic bearing, have a little disappointment
2007-10-02 2:09 am
It's typical plot which is about a hero suddenly becomes a villain, and then becomes a good guy again.典型的劇情,又是英雄忽然變成壞人,然後又突然變好的劇情。

I can't see any wonderful part in the book, maybe neither the film.看書看不出哪裏精彩,或許看電影也感受不到。

The story is meant to express many emotions, such as friendship and love affairs. However, these are briefly shown in disorder.故事想表達的感情好多,友情,愛情,親情,但只是輕輕帶過,有點亂。

I can't feel the hero's spirit, and that makes me disappointed.感受不到英雄的氣概,有點失望
參考: myself

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