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There are two different types of effect of smoking, the negative effects and the positive effects. I know it sounds weird for "positive effects" of smoking but think deeper, smoking could be a very effective way to met new friends. Ofcourse, those "new friends" are also smokers too. Sometimes, smoking in a group makes you particular stand out. People might think that your cool and they will eventually join the smoking flow and be cool with you.
The negative effects of smoking brings you many problems on your social life and private life. For social life, your family might reject your habit of smoking inside a house or near thereselves. Why? Because no one likes the second hand smoke that your are breathing out, these second hand smoke are actually the most dangerous thing of smoking. In a normal cigarette, it contains about 4000 chemicals that can cause serious damage to our human body, especially our cardio vascular system. When you breathe in a cigarette, the 4000 chemicals goes through the tip of the cigarette. There is a filter at the tip and the filter helps seperating about 3500 chemicals from getting into our body. Which remains 500 chemicals that pass through the filter and get into our body. Nicotin, this is the most dangerous chemical that gets into our body in my point of view. Nicotine is the stimulant and active ingredient in cigarettes. It is highly addictive. Children and pets may be poisoned by eating cigarettes or cigarette butts. It could also make the smoker addicted to cigarette, thats why it is dangerous.
It seems that the smoker takes serious damage to their body through first hand smoking but it is not that simple. Second hand smokes are the main killer from smoking. Second hand smokes come from the smoker that is smoking a cigarette, the moment the smoker breathes out the smoke he has taken, second hand smoke produces. Why second hand smokes are more dangerous than first handed? Because when the first hand smoke gets into our lungs, it also carries other chemicals and dirts that lies deep inside your lungs throughout your life. Then when the smoker breathes out the smoke which contains about 2 times the amount of chemicals that you taken. When somelse breaths in those second hand smoke, they eventually take in over 1000 chemicals.
I need to make a short conclusion, the people who don't smoke dies ealier than the smokers.
The results of smoking:
Smoking has been linked to lung cancer by medical research institutions throughout the world (through the use of observational studies). Smoking men are 22 times more likely to die from lung cancer than non-smoking men and smoking women are 12 times more likely to die from lung cancer than non-smoking women. Cigarette smoking increases the risk for many types of cancer, including cancers of the lip, oral cavity, and pharynx; oeso*****us; pancreas; larynx, lung; breast, uterine cervix; urinary bladder; and kidney. [citation needed] Recent findings by the World Health Organization suggest that U.S. white male smokers have an 8% chance of acquiring lung cancer at some point in their lives, as opposed to the 2% chance of acquiring lung cancer among U.S. white male non-smokers.
Certain other lung disorders, like emphysema, are also linked to cigarette smoking. Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage, underweight, and deformed infants. Smoking also increases the chance of heart attacks and a variety of cancers[citation needed]. Long-term smokers tend to look older than non-smokers of the same age, because smoking can increase wrinkling in the skin.
2007-10-01 17:13:35 補充:
成因過去40萬年的二氧化碳含量與自工業革命的急速飆升;地球軌道的週期性改變(又稱為米蘭柯維奇旋迴)被相信是十萬年的冰河時期循環的背後推動者。氣候系統的改變來自自然或內部運作及對外來力量的改變作出的反應。這些外來力量包括了人為與非人為因素,譬如太陽活動、火山活動及溫室氣體。多名氣候學家同意地球近年來已經變暖。近代氣候轉變的成因仍然是活躍的研究範疇,但是科學界的共識指出溫室氣體是全球變暖的主因。可是,科學界外仍然對此結論有爭議。the smoke gases will result in global warming