英文解釋..10點牙.. 幫幫手啦~

2007-10-01 6:42 pm
Explain the underlined word in this phrase “personalise your room.”


回答 (6)

2007-10-01 6:47 pm
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1. 使人格化;使個性化
2. 使成為私人的
3. 把...擬人化

personalize, UK USUALLY personalise Show phonetics
verb [T]
1 If you personalize an object, you change it or add to it so that it is obvious that it belongs to or comes from you:
The computer allows you to personalize standard letters by adding a greeting to each one.
She had done little to personalize her room, except hang a few posters on the walls.

2 to make something suitable for the needs of a particular person:
She hired a trainer to create a personalized exercise schedule to get her into shape.

3 If you personalize a subject, you make people feel more emotionally involved in it by giving examples about real people:
By telling people about her accident, she personalizes the numbing figure of road accidents that happen every year.

4 DISAPPROVING If you personalize an argument or discussion, you start to criticize someone's bad qualities instead of discussing the facts.

personalized, UK USUALLY personalised Show phonetics
describes an object that has someone's name on it, or that has been made for a particular person:
His car has a personalized number plate - TJ 1.
參考: Dictionary
2007-10-01 7:02 pm
2007-10-01 6:52 pm
personalise, personalize (v) : mark (sth) in order to show it belongs to a person, esp by putting his address or initials on it.

(翻譯) 個人化你的房間

2007-10-01 15:10:10 補充:
personalise and personalize have the same meaning.personalise (American English)personalize (British English)
參考: Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary
2007-10-01 6:50 pm

individualized: made for or directed or adjusted to a particular individual

2007-10-01 21:46:55 補充:
personalise (英國串法) = personalize (美國串法)根據你的個人風格去佈置你的房間Personalise your room = Make the room unique by arranging and decorating it in your own style
參考: Myself . 我住在美國
2007-10-01 6:47 pm
2007-10-01 6:46 pm

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