20分-我想問Promotion of marketing mix and IMC 是否一樣?

2007-10-01 5:13 pm
我想問 1) Promotion of marketing Mix and integrated marketing communications 是否一樣?
2) Marketing mix 及integrated marketing communications 有什麼分別, 其實是否一樣?
3) Marcom decisions 及 Making brand-level marketing communication decisions這兩個decisions 是否都是 屬於Marketing mix integrated marketing communications 呢?
因為我要做功課, 但我不明白其分別, 所以請大家幫忙一下, 謝謝!

Thank you very much!

回答 (1)

2007-10-03 9:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
NO! they are not the same.
integrated marketing communications is combine of advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing work together as a unified force.
in chinese meaning is互相配合 on those marketing activities.
one thing to remember is by integrated marketing communication , all functions are work together, not to isolate others function and work itselves

Promotion of marketing mix is one of the 4 p's in marketing mix,
integrated marketing communications is the area of promotions(4p's).
留意 is within.

i never heard about marcom decision, but if it relate to customize what is needed for the client based on time, budget and resources to reach target or goals, such as using website or e-mail, then it will be relate to integrate marketing communications.

making brand -level <-----in my knowledge it will be relate to positioning, that mean it is
that is one of the way how integrate marketing communications.

just wondering are u studying the marketing subject call promotional strategy? cause i had do the same issue on that as well^^
參考: self

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