
2007-10-01 4:22 pm

edmond6d52000 咁係咪姐係換個部機佢先可以唔疾機也?我玩跑玩左6個月,6個月都係疾到飛起架!有冇得單一d野(free)呀,轉台,可以唔疾機同埋快d架呢?

回答 (2)

2007-10-01 5:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
唔夠玩果個game..如果你部機係好既..就係因為你部機中左毒或個game其中d file冇左lo........
2007-10-01 5:01 pm
玩跑online勁疾機... it may be not the Internet connection speed, if you pay $180 for 網上x... sure is boardband NOT 56K la..

玩Game勁疾機, it may be the problem of your computer, before you think 轉唔轉台好, you should do something before

1. Off Line all MSN, BT, download files some kind of this action use the Internet connection speed
2. Do you think your CPU and Memory is good.
3. Your Hard Disk has good enough space for the game working?
4. Did you clear your Hard Disk space, and clear and use the defragement to fix your Hard Disk

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