日本Narita Express?

2007-10-01 9:53 am
本人會坐西北 airline, 1:30 p.m. 去到日本, 住新宿太子,

(1) 是否坐 NEX24 (14:43) 去新宿?
(2) 在那裡可買到 "Suica & NEX 套票? 買套票& 買普通車票的地方是否一樣?
(3) 買完車票到列車月台須要幾多時間?
(4) 到新宿站下車是否指新宿JR站? 去新宿太子在那一個出口? (西口or 東口?)
(5) 走時是否坐 NEX31 (16:28) 去機場? 列車是否由池袋開出? 在那裡可買到車票?
(6) NEX timetable 的 " I" and " II" 是什麼意思?

Thanks in advance.

回答 (2)

2007-10-01 7:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案


(2)Ⅰ.往東京都內外訂票—JR East Travel Service Centre:N'EX全車指定席 (Reserved Seat),成田空港ターミナルビル1 及2(Terminal1 & 2) 均設專為遊客服務的JR EAST Travel Service Centre,可在此用英語購票 (N'EX & Airport Narita)、換領RAIL PASS及查詢。

地圖:http://www.jreast.co.jp/estation/stations/1130.html (成田空港駅),http://www.jreast.co.jp/estation/stations/611.html (空港第2ビル)
*JR East Travel Service Centre即是地圖寫的JR東日本外國人旅行センター



可在JR東日本轄下各駅的みどりの窓口 (Ticket Office) 或びゅうPlaza (View Plaza) 標志的售票處或櫃位訂購,注意因航空公司不同,訂票請除清楚說明日子外,還有是前往第2ビル (Terminal2) 還是第1ビル (Terminal1)。


2007-10-02 17:02:28 補充:
其實如果搭18:35的機的話,最好搭N'EX27或N'EX29。如果你有空閒的話,可以在成田空港吃小小東西。個人推介:Soup Stock Tokyo是都內新興的食堂,以無添加為口號。(Terminal1 4/F);日本國內空港最大免稅Brand Mall—Narita Nakamise(Terminal1禁區範圍)。
參考: 東京旅遊全攻略
2007-10-11 7:51 am
Let me reply to you the question one by one la.
(1), (2) when you arrive to Japan, you could buy the Suica & NEC package. For a easy way, print it out the, and then shown to the any counter inside the airport, then the staff will show you how to go to the ticket office. You could buy the package there. last time i remeber i take the time was around 14:13 pm. arruve to Shinjuku around 15:30pm......
(3) The ticket office to the platform is very close, only 3-5 minutes will arrive. Again, the staff in there will shown to you how to go.
(4) Yes, it is JR station. and if you go to Shinjuku Prince. it is West Exit.
(5) when you returned, you better to take around 15:40pm schedule, as 16:28 was a little bit tigh. And you better bought the ticket one day before on the JR station. it will be safety.Moreover, The Narita Express ticket could bought in JR station ticket office. also depart from Shinjuku. and if you take North west airline to HK, it is to Narita terminal 2.

If you still have question, email me and i reply to you la.,..as i just return from Japan by Sep time. [email protected]
參考: My experience

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